Uncanny Predictions

The early 20th century was the height of spiritualism. Many people took advantage of this to defraud others. And some, well, some took advantage for more nefarious purposes.

The Gorilla Strangler

In the 1920s, a serial killer prowled around North America, killing women who were renting rooms in their homes, or random women he encountered. In my neck of the woods, this killer was dubbed “The Gorilla Strangler”.

The Legend of Lavinia Fisher

I’ve often heard about the infamous Lavinia Fisher - and I’ve definitely heard of her infamous last words. However, there’s always a sense that the story isn’t always told with complete accuracy. As with any legendary figure, there’s a root of truth. You just have to go digging for it. And that’s exactly what I attempted to do in researching the legend of Lavinia Fisher.