The early 20th century was the height of spiritualism. Many people took advantage of this to defraud others. And some, well, some took advantage for more nefarious purposes.
Tag: american true crime
Mommy Dearest
Some people desperately want to become parents. Some people desperately deserve to be parents. And then, there are some people who are parents, and most definitely should not be parents.
The Bloody Benders
There are many legends surrounding the colonization of the American midwest. A lot of these legends are rooted in fiction rather than fact. This legend has a healthy dose of both fact and fiction. This is the legend of the Bloody Benders.
The Gorilla Strangler
In the 1920s, a serial killer prowled around North America, killing women who were renting rooms in their homes, or random women he encountered. In my neck of the woods, this killer was dubbed “The Gorilla Strangler”.
Just Like the Soaps
When a Texas socialite winds up dead, naturally everyone suspects her husband. But when he ends up being murdered, tongues really begin to wag. The death of Joan Robinson Hill sparked a series of events befitting a soap opera script.
The Acid Doctor
I’ve discussed health care practitioners who are a travesty upon the entire medical field. But I don’t think I’ve discussed a case quite as atrocious as this. This is the tale of The Acid Doctor.
The Butcher Baker
Criminal profiling is a tool quite often used in policing and crime investigation. However, it is quite a recent development. And this is the story of the case that made criminal profiling more mainstream.
“Robber! Robber!”
Murder can sometimes be odd. Odd MO, odd choice of weapon, or odd motive. However, I don’t think anything will truly be as odd as a parrot solving a murder case.
The Notes
Quick thinking and a resilient nature from a fierce young woman led investigators straight to a killer.
The Legend of Lavinia Fisher
I’ve often heard about the infamous Lavinia Fisher - and I’ve definitely heard of her infamous last words. However, there’s always a sense that the story isn’t always told with complete accuracy. As with any legendary figure, there’s a root of truth. You just have to go digging for it. And that’s exactly what I attempted to do in researching the legend of Lavinia Fisher.