I’ve posted before about what happens when we put our trust in a less-than-honourable health care professional. But there is very little that is more tragic than when that trust puts a child at risk.
Tag: american true crime
“We Had To Do It.”
There are some cases that gain international attention for various reasons. Little did firefighters know that they’d stumbled onto just such a sensation as they doused a fire on an otherwise pleasant Sunday morning in 1975. The incident would gain notoriety as The Barbecue Murders.
Ins and Outs
I’ve often heard the term “fell through the cracks” in reference to children who get into trouble, and never quite manage to get out of trouble. But then I come across some individuals who didn’t simply fall through the cracks. The cracks embraced them, and made them one of their own. Steven Timothy Judy was one such individual.
Barrels and Barrels
Neighbours knew him as a churchgoing family man. But law enforcement knew him as a convicted con artist. Which begs the question - who, exactly, is John “JR” Edward Robinson?
Last Man Hanged
Learning that there was a man hanged in Delaware in 1996 surprised me. This is the story of how he got there.
Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
The annihilation of the family was not a notion that many believed to be a possibility. And then the world was introduced to John List.
In 1935, Robert S. James committed murder via rattlesnake, earning him the nickname “Rattlesnake” James.
The Real Roxie Hart
If you’re a fan of the musical Chicago, as I am, you’ll know the story of Foxy Roxie Hart. However, did you know that the Roxie we know and hate to love was inspired by an actual woman from Chicago?
The Case That Started it All
I was fourteen and very used to spending a lot of time at home on my own. I would usually read a lot of books - anything I could get my hands on. Then, I found a book at school that someone had dropped in the hallway. I brought it home and dove in with vigour. Picking up that book set off the beginning of my infatuation.