The Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood

Hollywood is notorious for having a dark and sordid history. I’ve covered such a case before, in The Mysterious Death of Thelma Todd. This week, I’m bringing you another mysterious Hollywood death - the death of Natalie Wood.

The Cold Case of Tracy Sissom

Unsolved cases always come with a taste of frustration as investigators, friends, and families work valiantly to find answers. But there are very few cases that I’ve encountered that are as frustrating as the unsolved murder of Tracy Sissom.

The Disappearance of Kelsie Schelling

When a young woman goes missing, all of her friends and family know exactly where to look for the one responsible. However, closure wouldn’t come for many years for Kelsie Schelling’s loved ones.

The Webcam Suicide Nurse

Almost everyone has a story about meeting friends online. Sometimes, these friendships grow, and are nurtured into lifelong, caring relationships. However, there are some instances where these friendships are downright dangerous. 

Nebraska Spree Killings

Mainstream media will often glamorize the “bad-boy” stereotype into something romantic. However, when the “bad-boy” is left fully unchecked, all of that rage can turn deadly. In the case of Charles Starkweather, immortalized in modern media, his unchecked rage definitely turned deadly.

The Starvation Doctor

The field of alternative medicine has always fostered an environment of greed. In most cases, the ultimate goal is fame and fortune. That was certainly the case with The Starvation Doctor, Linda Hazzard.